November 27 @Sarah B.
6:30 PM

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

September Book Selection

We are a Divergent group!

Seems a lot of us are "well-rounded"!  AND with all the good food, we will probably get "rounder"!!
Thanks to Tania for hosting and thanks to everyone for bringing food!  Looking forward to another great year of fun reading!  We passed the list and every spot for hostessing was filled!  We agreed that each month everyone who can will bring food.  That way we don't have to remember "assignments"!  Here we go YEAR 8!!!

Friday, August 21, 2015


If you saw the movie and read the book, did you find the movie frustrating or did you think it enhanced the book?

Divergent is an example of dystopian literature, which, according to one source, is said to present a nightmare vision of the future.  Do you like reading in this "genre"?

Do you think this book is appropriate for teenaged readers?  Why or why not?

Talk about any situations in the book that intrigued you, or disturbed you, or made you think......etc.

If you could choose, which faction would you choose to be a part of? Why?

Do you think the factions in the book represent pretty much all personality types, fulfilling the basic needs of all people?  If not, what faction(s) would you add?

Is there anything about the faction "system" that makes you think it would work in reality?

On page 145 in the book, Tris says, "To me there is a difference between not being afraid and acting in spite of your fear as he (Four) does."  Would you agree with that statement?  Why or why not?

Did you feel "unfinished" by reading Divergent?  Do you want to read the next two books in the series? Why or why not?