November 27 @Sarah B.
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
We learned a lot!
It was an interesting book and an interesting discussion! So thankful for the truth of God's word! Thanks, Selina, for having us in your lovely home! Great food, friends, and fellowship!
Saturday, November 26, 2016
What was the first thing you read that "clued you in" that Mormonism is not the same as Christianity?
The author said on page 236, that her son understood that a person's relationship with God will be more solid the more that person turns to God and to His Word rather than relying on the testimony of others. Do you agree with that?
What are some things you learned from reading this book?
What, if anything, shocked you in this book?
Did you find it easy to read? Why or why not?
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Favorite night of the month!
Loved having you tonight!!!! Thanks to all for coming and for all the great input!!
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Did you enjoy this book? Why or why not?
What did you think of the writing style?
I thought it was fun to read right before the holidays! Do you agree or disagree?
What lessons did you get from reading this book?....(Like, "it's ok to gossip, if it's true".....not!!)
Do you think Alice's motto "pray about everything and worry about nothing" was a good one? Do you find this easy to do? Do you have any ideas about ways to put this into practice?
Which room would you want to stay in? Why?
Which character did you relate to most? Why?
Do you want to read the rest of the series?
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
The Porch!
If only we could have weather like today and a porch to meet on every month!!!! Thanks again, Connie! Delicious food, great company and conversation as usual! Looking forward to October at my house!
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Did you think the title was fitting for the story line in this book?
What were some things in this book that were similar to book(s) we read last year? What was different?
Why do you think people raised in the same household see things differently?
Do you think Terry's mom would have been different if her husband had been around more? If she would have been older when she became a mom? Why or why not?
What was the hardest thing Terry had to do in your opinion?
Were there any memorable quotes in this book?
Did you like the ending? Why or why not?
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Exciting Start to Year 9!!
Thanks again to Tania for ending year 8 and kicking off Year 9 at her house!! AND congrats to her for reading over 4,000 pages over the summer! It was a wonderful night highlighted by the birth of my 7th grandchild!! See you next month on Connie's big front porch!
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
"Go Set a Watchman" is considered a sequel. Was it hard for you to think of it being written before "To Kill a Mockingbird"?
Why do you think "To Kill a Mockingbird" was published first?
Did you find this an easy/enjoyable read? Why or why not?
Did you like any of the "stories within the story" like Scout's flashbacks, her dating Henry, etc.? What did you like?
I found this quote online, "It is a flawed novel and probably would never have seen the light of day if it didn't have the name of Harper Lee as author." Do you agree or disagree with that? Why or why not?
What do you think about the timing of this book's release, some 50+ years after it was written? How much has changed in regard to the issues in this book?
There is a statement in the book that goes something like this.... "government control/expansion could lead to communism or Hitler-like control." This was in the 1950's! Do you hear anything about "big government" in the news these days!!?? Comments?
We're there any other quotes in the book that you would like to comment on...or anything else you'd like to discuss?
Monday, August 8, 2016
Year 9 Reading List
Discuss on 4th Tuesday, unless noted otherwise!
September- "Moonlight on Linoleum" by Terry Helwig (book provided)
October- "Back Home Again" by Melody Carlson
November-(5th Tuesday!) "Unveiling Grace" by Lynn K. Wilder
January- "A Week in Winter" by Maeve Binchy
February- "The Root of all Evil" by Dr. Phillip Coulter
March- "Wreath, A Girl" by Judy Christie
April- "The Waiting" by Cathy Lagrow
May- "Agnes Hopper Shakes up Sweet Briar" by Carol Heilman
Summer Read-(Discuss at 1st meeting of Year 10 in August!) "Agnes Gray" by Anne Bronte
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Year 8 comes to an end!
We were small but mighty tonight! Great discussion! Thank you Mary Ann for hosting! I look so forward to Year 9 starting in August!! KEEP READING!!
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
We have read other books this year which have dealt with abandonment, abuse, etc. Compared to those, would you consider this book helpful? Why or why not?
What did you enjoy about this book?
Were there any memorable quotes in this book? If so, what?
Would you say this book was predictable or did anything take you by surprise?
If you knew someone who was dealing with anger issues, or un-forgiveness, would you refer them to anything in this book? If so, what?
Was the ending satisfying? If not, what would you change?
On the front cover there is a quote, "Read The Encounter and learn things about yourself that you never knew were there." Did you?
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
May Book Selection "The Encounter"
Thanks Amanda! We had 20 tonight, including two new ladies! Thank you to everyone!! One more to go in Year 8!
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
How did you like the way the author switched back and forth between the two stories? Did you prefer one story over the other? Explain.
It isn't until a rebellious 17 year old girl with secrets of her own starts asking pointed questions that Vivian finally tells her story. The author said "Over the course of the novel, Vivian moves from shame to acceptance, coming to terms about her past and in the process learns about the regenerative power of claiming and telling one's own life story." Talk about whether or not you agree with that in the book as well as in real life.
The present day story took place over 6 weeks or so. Vivian's story encompassed 90 years. Did you find it hard to follow? Why or why not?
Do you find it hard to believe that children were put on trains and taken cross country to be basically "picked through" by perspective parents who sometimes only wanted extra help on the farm or around the house? Talk about how this was better/worse than being left in an orphanage.
How did you perceive Vivian's decision to give her daughter up for adoption?
There is evidently a 1979 PBS movie called "The Orphan Train". Do you think this book would make a good movie? Why or why not?
How do you feel about the way the author ended the book?
If you were to write additional chapters, what would happen to Vivian and/or Molly?
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Great Conversation
Thank you for hosting us in your lovely new home, Penny! As usual, the food was delicious! As I said at the meeting, I think we had more discussion tonight than usual! Thanks to everyone! May we continue to grow and learn from the books we read! I LOVE book club!!
Friday, March 18, 2016
What was your overall "take" on this book? Did you consider it well written? Relatable? Funny? Sad? All/none of the above?
What would you say is the main message of this book?
What, if anything, made you laugh? Cry?
Were you shocked by anything? If so, what?
What in this story encouraged you?
Have you ever scheduled crying sessions!!?? What are some coping mechanisms you have used?
Are there things in your life that you might change as a result of reading this book? What would you change?
On page 231, she mentioned an anti-regret pill! Ever wished you had one or two of those to take?
Would you say Sarah is better off at the end of the novel than at the beginning? If so, in what ways?
Are there any questions in the back of the book you would like to talk about?
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Another good one!
The food was great tonight!! Thanks to everyone! Thank you, Sarah, for hosting! I think there were 19 of us tonight for our enlightening discussion!! See ya next month!
Monday, February 15, 2016
"I guess no one instantly recognizes what's abnormal about her home life when it's always been her normal." (A quote from page 143 reminded me of some things we talked about at our last meeting.). When do you think Rifqa realized her home life wasn't right?
Talk about decisions made in the book.....her decision to lie to her parents and go to church, etc. with her friend, her decision to run away, Brian, Beverly and others who chose to help her, the authorities' decision to send her back to Ohio, etc. Do you agree or disagree with any of the choices made?
Do you think this book was well written? Why or why not?
Have you read anything online about Rifqa that could enhance our reading that you'd like to share with the group? If so, what?
If you could ask her anything, what would you ask her?
Do you think her story brings glory to Christ? If so, how?
What do you think the phrase "hiding in the light" means in the context of this book? Is it a fitting title?
Who would you recommend the book to? Why?
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Thank you
Our eyes were opened to some new things tonight. Thank you for your willingness to discuss truth. May Jesus give us wisdom, courage, compassion and eyes to see others as He does. Thank you, Bess, for hosting and thanks to all who brought food and for everyone's great comments!
Saturday, January 23, 2016
In your opinion, what is it in this book that would cause it to be highly recommended?
How does the author draw the reader in and keep the reader engaged?
Were you offended by anything as you read it? Why or why not?
Do you find it hard to believe that children could survive such difficult conditions.....leaking roof, maggots in the ham, no food at all, filth, etc.!!??
Not to mention the neglect and abuse from their parents.
What things in this book were helpful to you or what could you take from this book to help someone else who maybe had a difficult childhood?
Were there any "parenting techniques" in the book that you thought were good? If so, what were they?
Did this book make you think differently about homeless people than the other book we read about the homeless (Under the Overpass)? What was different?
Did you want to know more about any of the characters? If so, which character and what did you want to know!
Do you think the author is trying to elicit a certain response from the reader, such as sympathy? How has this book affected your view of the author?
Were you satisfied with the ending or did you expect some other outcome? What were you hoping for?
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