November 27 @Sarah B.
6:30 PM

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

OCTOBER BOOK SELECTION "Back Home Again" by Melody Carlson

The Porch!

If only we could have weather like today and a porch to meet on every month!!!!  Thanks again, Connie!   Delicious food, great company and conversation as usual!  Looking forward to October at my house!

Saturday, September 24, 2016


Did you think the title was fitting for the story line in this book?

What were some things in this book that were similar to book(s) we read last year?  What was different?

Why do you think people raised in the same household see things differently?

Do you think Terry's mom would have been different if her husband had been around more?  If she would have been older when she became a mom?  Why or why not?

What was the hardest thing Terry had to do in your opinion?

Were there any memorable quotes in this book?

Did you like the ending? Why or why not?