What was it like to read a novel composed entirely of letters?
Did you find it interesting to learn that the book was started by one author and finished by another? Talk about that a little!
Juliet wrote to Dawsey that “Perhaps there is some secret sort of homing instinct in books that brings them to their perfect readers.” Have you ever felt that way about a particular book? If so, what book was it and what made you feel that way?
What does a reader’s taste in books say about his or her personality?
What genre do you prefer and what do you think that says about your personality?
What historical facts about life in England during World War II were you especially surprised to discover?
Numerous Guernsey residents give Juliet access to their private memories of the occupation. Which voices were most memorable for you? What was the effect of reading a variety of responses to a shared tragedy?
Which of the members of the Society is your favorite? Whose literary opinions are most like your own?
(Used Some Questions from library book pack binder)