What caused you to want to finish this book?
Did you see how different people dealt with difficult situations in different ways? Give example.
Were you surprised by anything in this story? If so, what surprised you?
How do you think this story would have gone if Kevin had ignored Don because of the way he looked/smelled?
Do you agree that we must allow Jesus to serve us before we can serve Him? (Pg.227). Why or why not?
On page 81....”When you know God loves you and that He’s been good to you like He’s been to me, you just can’t help but to give it away.” Agree?
What are some quotes that made an impression on you in this book?
I loved on page 142 where he said “I didn’t know how to live out each hour without constantly thinking about milestones ahead....from here on out I’m going to become a better sightseer.” This was a good lesson...
What was the main “lesson” you took away from reading Angel in Aisle 3?