November 27 @Sarah B.
6:30 PM

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Something new!

I’m doing a trial of using Instagram along with or maybe instead of this blog.  Check it out
at @lbc_ladies_book_club

September Book Selection

And, we’re off......

Year 11 started last night at Tania’s and here is this year’s Reading List:
Discuss in:
September-“Peace Like A River” by Leif Enger (Book provided)

October-“A Lesson Before Dying” by Ernest Gaines (Book provided)

November-“The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer (Book Provided)

January-“Light Between Oceans” by M.L. Stedman

February-“The Awakening of Miss Prim” by Natalie San Martin

March-“If You Only Knew” by Jamie Ivey

April-“The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie” by Alan Bradley (Book provided)

May-“Caravel” by Stephanie Garber

Summer Read-“A Wrinkle in Time” by Madeleine L’Engle

Thanks, Tania!  Our kickoff meeting every year at your house is always a hit!  

Join us next month for another one of our favorite meetings of the year on Connie’s Big Front Porch!

Thursday, August 23, 2018


What made you want to read this book?  Would you have felt compelled to read it outside of book club?

Were you amazed at what it takes to be a rower compared to other sports?

Talk about Joe’s family life.  Which relationship do you believe was ultimately the most pivotal for Joe?

How did Ulbrickson and Pocock influence Joe in different ways?

Teamwork, forgetting “self”, etc. were emphasized as necessary in winning.  How does this apply to our life.....our church, our family, our job?  Is this a biblical concept?  Why or why not?

Leni Riefenstiahl is probably the most famous female director ever; what did you think of her?  Did this book make you think about how much we are influenced by the media?

Which part of history in the book was new to you?  Most shocking...most deplorable?

Were there memorable quotes you noted?  If so, what were they?

Were you excited/nervous at the end, even though you knew how the story would end?

In the prologue, Joe admonishes the author, Daniel James Brown, that the story should not be about him but about the boat.  After reading the story, does Brown accomplish that?

What else would you like to talk about with the group?

If you were to recommend this book to someone else, how would you describe it to them?  Did you find it difficult to read?  There is also a “Younger” version of the book.  Do you think maybe that would be helpful for some?  Why?

(Some Questions adapted from various websites)