November 27 @Sarah B.
6:30 PM

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Did you like the book?  Find it an easy read?
What would you consider to be the main message of this book?
Did you like the title?
Did you consider this book realistic?
Did the kids in this book seem like typical teenagers?
Talk about the influence of Greg's family.
Did you agree with the "methods" taught in the Life Skills class? Why or why not?
Were you surprised by anything in this book?  If so, what?
How well do you think the author portrayed the power of forgiveness?
Did reading this book make you want to read others in the series?
To whom would you recommend this book?

1 comment:

  1. Could the weather be any more perfect for bookclub on Connie's front porch tomorrow? I'm so sad I cannot be there with you all :( Anyway, I LOVED Chop Chop ... In fact, I'm getting ready to begin book 4 in the series!! Thank you for an excellent book selection! Janet
