November 27 @Sarah B.
6:30 PM

Friday, March 18, 2016


What was your overall "take" on this book?  Did you consider it well written? Relatable? Funny? Sad?  All/none of the above?
What would you say is the main message of this book?
What, if anything, made you laugh? Cry?
Were you shocked by anything?  If so, what?
What in this story encouraged you?
Have you ever scheduled crying sessions!!??  What are some coping mechanisms you have used?
Are there things in your life that you might change as a result of reading this book?  What would you change?
On page 231, she mentioned an anti-regret pill!  Ever wished you had one or two of those to take?
Would you say Sarah is better off at the end of the novel than at the beginning?  If so, in what ways?
Are there any questions in the back of the book you would like to talk about?

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